Stories of Kent Narrows
An outgrowth of the Kent Narrows Maritime Heritage Project
Stories of Kent Narrows is produced by through Kent Narrows Development Foundation.
The project is constantly in the making. Local historians and storytellers to discuss what it's like..... and was like, to live and and work on this unique body of water.
This project was financed in part with state funds from the Maryland Heritage Area Authority, an instrument of the State of Maryland. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland Heritage Area Authority.
This initiative is linked to Eastern Shore Heritage, Inc.’s Stories of the Chesapeake Heritage Area’s programs.
For more information on the Kent Narrows Waterfront, visit the Kent Narrows Development Foundation's Website at .
Facebook: Kent Narrows Waterfront Page @kentnarrows
Watermen’s Way Heritage Trail Page@storiesofkentnarrows
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If you have a story you'd like to share please email us at
For more info on what lest these is to do in Queen Anne's County please visit

The "Stories"Videos complement the Watermen's Way Heritage Trail map that can be picked up at locations throughout the area. Suggested itineraries accompany each video segment.